Critique of Shaykh Aḥmad al-Aḥsāʾī’s Theory on the Entailment of Existence and Essence Concerning Good and Evil Human Actions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Theology, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Theology, Faculty of Humanities and Sport Sciences, Gonbad-Kavoos University, Gonbad-Kavoos, Iran(Corresponding Author)


Shaykh Aḥmad al-Aḥsāʾī, from an ontological standpoint, posits that the root of free will lies in existence (wujūd) and essence (māhiyyah). As an advocate of the primacy of the two principles (aṣālat al-aṣlayn - the “primacy of the two principles,” namely existence and essence), he maintains that existence (wujūd) necessitates virtuous behavior, while essence (māhiyyah) inclines toward malevolent behavior; the deliberation between good and evil, and the subsequent choice of one over the other, is precisely what constitutes free will (ikhtiyār). Furthermore, Aḥsāʾī considers existence to be an act of God (fiʿl bi al-dhāt ḥaqq taʿālá) and attributes essence to God indirectly (bi al-ʿaraḍ). Therefore, though valid, the attribution of evil and wickedness to God is not essential. Aḥsāʾī also justifies the issue of human will and its relationship with God by grounding the existential subsistence of human beings and their actions in God, while simultaneously maintaining human power to perform or abandon such actions. The present research, compiled through documentary methods and processed through analytical and logical methods, critically examines Aḥsāʾī’s theory regarding the explanation of human will and its relationship to God’s power.


Main Subjects

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